Saturday, April 17, 2010

Joy of Hope

In between her lines of what keeps her excited these days, Victoria Rose asked me the other day what is keeping me joyous these days.

What’s keeping me joyous these days!

There are times when we hardly realize that there are reasons to be joyous still, in spite of the speed breakers that must be slowing us down from our pursuit of happiness! The question from distance that Victoria threw at me was something that made me ponder, something that made me wonder…

What’s keeping me joyous these days!

One feeling that dominates my thoughts for an answer is the feeling of ‘hope’.

Is it a hope for an unseen future that’s now being modeled from a heap of experience between my fingers as a potter would with his clay?

When the going gets tough and the gaze is fixed on the ceiling attempting to have a peek at the future, ‘hope’ whispers to the ears of our mind the verses of better days to come. When life goes merry-go-round with petals of flowers purple white and red is sprinkled over you from up above, ‘hope’ comes closer to sing for us the jingles and make us crave to live a Sunday more.

In ‘hope’ is the energy; in ‘hope’ is the momentum. It is in it the joy; it is in it the relief. It is the source, and it is the cause.

The joy is springing from a hope that my children will grow to be better than me; the joy is in a hope that the time will bring me back the hearts and minds of those who misinterpreted my language of words and therefore the meaning of my life; the joy is in a hope that the recipe for prosperity is in application of my wisdom; the joy is in remembering the best things I possessed and shared, the best people whose hands I held, and derive from it the energy to make more best and better moments in life.

The joy is in the vibrating nostalgia I carry of the past; the joy is in the dynamic choices I make in the present; the joy is in “who” I am left with than “what” I have in my walk to the future.

The joy is in Living, Loving and Learning.
