Saturday, October 1, 2011

Whoever You Are!

They all had something similar to say, that, they tried many avenues, faced several rejections, went through periods of dejection, faced faces of indifference and at times mockery, and it was a long long road before they reached the stage where a throne and a crown awaited to celebrate their success.

They all had several stories of failures etched into their lives that remains as a stain on their pillows that witnessed their sleepless nights and heard the sobs of an aching heart, before carving out a singular story of success! It had emotions that pulled them from both sides, days that had no beginning and never ended, and nights that they dreaded for the eerie silence it offered and expanded the size of world around them!

Nothing that was worthy to celebrate was achieved ever without the agony that you experience today, one that makes you feel dejected, one that makes you feel as worthless. It is beyond that bend where the valley of flowers and lakes are; it's after that what you term as misery that you are ripened enough to be called a fruit. The shell that's restricting your growth has to be cracked, and it is through that crack that you emerge to fly. Crack - perhaps is destructive. It's but the death of leaves that become the fertilizer for the growth of its tree. Knife wouldn't sharpen on a soap-rock; it needs hard surface to be sharp; such is life too. In smoothness of ordeals ones character doesn't harden. It's in its toughness the strengthening of character takes place.

No one walked up to that stage without causing callous on their feet from walking long distance without safeguards; there were hardships; climbed up the hill in joy and tumbled down to the valleys in tears. These are the few from the past whose life is a resemblance of yours that is good enough to offer hope for a future that you doubt!

It is never time to quit. It's time to defeat that voice that demands you to quit, for in that voice lies the sound of mantra that generates the energy to march forward, now.

Whoever you are.

October 01, 2011